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Making a difference for patients with implant devices


Founded in 2019 in Antwerp, Belgium, Amynas’ mission is to reduce implant-related infections - leading to reduced hospital re-admission rates for post-surgical complications. Its lead candidate product is a fully bioresorbable envelope made of millions of drug-coated immunomodulatory electrospun nanofibers specifically designed to promote healthy tissue growth around the implant (anti-inflammatory and anti-scarring) and reduce the infection rate. To conduct the high-level research needed to develop this new technology, Amynas is teaming up with several academic and private partners. Surrounded by the best and driven by an unmet medical need, Amynas aims to truly make a difference for patients with implantable devices.


Based on the revolutionary and patent-protected electrospinning technology, nanofibers (thickness 400-800 nm) create a highly porous surface, ideal for the promotion of healthy tissue growth. The specific fiber thickness delivers an optimal scaffold construct for cell attachment and proliferation, while the high porosity of 80% allows for cell-cell interactions and promotes healing. It is the only technology capable of mimicking the extracellular matrix to such an extent, encouraging your own body to trigger its endogenous healing mechanisms. Taken together, nanofibers create an optimal pro-healing surrounding for implants to reside in. (1)


In 30 years, 10 million deaths per year worldwide
are estimated to be caused by antimicrobial resistance


To combat post-implant infections, there is a high need for local antimicrobial therapies. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) yearly at least 3 million patients in the US are affected by antimicrobial resistance (AMR), of which 48,000 die. In Europe, 25,000 deaths each year are attributed to AMR. These numbers - albeit alarmingly high - are probably a grave underestimation due to underreporting. By 2050, 10 million deaths worldwide every year are estimated to be caused by AMR. (2) Therefore, voices are increasingly raised to limit prophylactic use of conventional antibiotics to an absolute minimum in order to slow down resistance development as much as possible.


It has been extensively acknowledged that most post-surgery infections are caused by biofilm-forming pathogens. Bacteria in biofilms are well-protected from our immune system and from conventional antibiotics through chemical, physical and metabolic changes. (3) The discovery of effective and safe new strategies specifically targetting microorganisms in biofilms can change the entire antimicrobial field.



Amynas wants to help battle bacterial infections and avoid conventional antibiotics as much as possible. Therefore, Amynas is integrating the recently confirmed proprietary 2-aminoimidazole (2-AI) molecules in its lead prototypes. These unique molecules are specifically designed to interrupt the social behaviour of bacteria by interacting with genes responsible for production of extracellular polymeric substances, eventually leading to a decrease of biofilm. Importantly, due to the unique mechanism of action potential 2-AI-resistant bacteria will be outcompeted by susceptible ones, effectively counterselecting for resistance formation. This breakthrough technology provides the ultimate answer to life-threatening infections after implantation. (4)


Uncoated materials can be used  by microorganisms as biofilm surfaces. 
2-AI-loaded materials are protected from biofilm formation. 


1. Sarhane K, et al. Acta Biomater. 2019; 88:332-345.

2. Medicines in Development. Antimicrobial Resistance Report. 2021.

3. Berlanga M, et al. Microb. 2016; 15(1):165.

4. Dieltjens L, et al. Nat Commun. 2020; 11(1):107.



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